Über uns
Based on the Oscar-winning DreamWorks Animation film, Shrek The Musical is a Tony Award-winning fairy tale adventure.
"Once upon a time, there was a little ogre named Shrek…" And thus begins the tale of an unlikely hero who finds himself on a life-changing journey alongside a wisecracking Donkey and a feisty princess who resists her rescue. Throw in a short-tempered bad guy, a cookie with an attitude, and over a dozen other fairy tale misfits, and you've got the kind of mess that calls for a real hero. Luckily, there's one on hand...and his name is Shrek. A fun and exhilarating theatre outing for the whole family.
An amateur production by the Rattonians.
Book Tickets
£17 under 16s and £22 adults
Tue 7.30pm performance - all tickets £17
Buchungs- & Zahlungsdetails
- Kreditkarten akzeptiert (gegen Gebühr)
- Leichte Erfrischungen vor Ort
- Einrichtungen für Bildungsbesuche
- Einrichtungen für Gruppen
- Öffentliche Toiletten
- Telefon (öffentlich)
- Kostenloses Parken
- Parken gegen Gebühr
Tagungs-, Konferenz- und Hochzeitseinrichtungen
- Einrichtungen für Corporate Hospitality
- Einrichtungen für Konferenzen
- Akzeptiert Gruppen
- Coach-Partys akzeptiert
- Behindertentoiletten